Employer Value Proposition (EVP)

The Brief

Review and refresh the brand messages. Re-evaluate the relevance of company’s brand messaging from 2018. 

Grow employer brand awareness. Enhancing the company’s visibility as an attractive employer in a competitive engineering market, in hard to recruit location. 

Increase applications and candidate pipeline. Attracting more relevant candidates and building a robust talent pipeline at all levels and specialisms.

The Approach

Brand Workshop

  • Review of existing messages: evaluated the brand messages from 2018 to understand the historical context.
  • Future vision exploration: conducted exercises to envision the company’s future and where it aims to be in the market.
  • Current state analysis: Assessed the current state of the business to identify gaps and opportunities.

Revised Tone of Voice and EVP Messaging:

  • Developed a new tone of voice document to ensure consistency across all communications.
  • Identified key themes and messages to highlight the future direction, growth, and innovation in thermal engineering.

Campaign Development:

  • Highlighting future prospects: created a campaign showcasing the importance of thermal engineering in sustainable energy and the company’s growth prospects.
  • Work environment insights: emphasized the creative thinking and problem-solving opportunities available at STT.
  • Leadership and development: showcased access to experienced leaders within the company, highlighting learning and development opportunities.

Content Strategy for LinkedIn

  • Developed a comprehensive content strategy incorporating both videos and graphics.
  • Focused on storytelling to convey the company’s vision, culture, and opportunities.
  • Provided an ongoing calendar of content.
  • Created and published posts to promote  recruitment activity and the employer brand. 

The Results

High Engagement:

  • The LinkedIn campaign achieved high engagement from both employees and the broader market.
  • Increased interaction and positive feedback on the content shared, enhancing the company’s visibility and attractiveness as an employer.


Increased Applications:

  • Significant rise in relevant applications and an expanded candidate pipeline.
  • Successful filling of numerous job positions with high-quality candidates.


Positive Cultural Impact

  • The refreshed brand messages and engaging content had a positive impact on the company’s culture.
  • Employees felt more connected to the company’s vision and future direction, fostering a more motivated and cohesive workforce.

The Feedback